Wall Street Journal Articles


Rushford Report Archives - 2003

December 2003

Cover Story
The 2003 Free Trade Area of the Americas  Ministerial Meeting

Mooned in Miami

Yankee Trader
Dumping on the Chinese furniture industry


Commerce Secretary Evans speaks

Protectionist Piggies of 2003

ITC Commissioner Charlotte Lane's first vote

Steelworkers do Miami

Protesting the FTAA -- but why?

The Chinese honey case:  How "unfair" is China?

November 2003

Cover Story
Manufacturing Miseries in the Heartland 

Yankee Trader
Dumping on Mexico


The Chicago Fed: Why the U.S. benefits from trade with China

How will Karl Rove spin the Bush steel plan?

Wilbur Ross:

Let consumers help me take my company public

October 2003

Cover Story
A Reporter’s Notebook

What Really Happened in  Cancun

Yankee Trader
The Indiana Jones President


Bob Lighthizer, WTO jurist?

U.S.-Thailand FTA?

Globaphobics do Cancun

“Licensed to Kill, Inc.”


September 2003

Cover Story
Trouble in the "Eden of Louisiana"

Yankee Trader
For the U.S. textile lobby: A plan comes together


Textile lobbyist Jock Nash: My side of the story

Commerce's Joe Spetrini: Turning failure into success

Vietnam's Boeing buy: Turning the other cheek

Dumping plastic grocery bags?

Will Bush whack his steel plan?

August 2003

Cover Story
Bush's "Economic Coalition of the Willing"

Yankee Trader
Certain Color Television Receivers from China and Malaysia: Antidumping as farce

Did the Bush steel plan really help the domestic industry restructure?

The Washington Post put the spotlight on catfish and Commerce official Joe Spetrini

Why Congress lets the bureaucrats get away with it

Rep. Pete Visclosky The WTO is biased against America

July 2003

Cover Story
Fear Along The Bayou

Yankee Trader
Catfishing For Sympathy

In Defense of Corporate America:  China and the Philippines

"Michael Moore Starves the Poor"

June 2003

Cover Story
Is the String Running Out for the U.S. Textile Lobby?

Yankee Trader
The world's oldest infant industry

My side of the steel story by Andrew Sharkey, III

Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Bill Thomas: tax the foreigners

George W. Bush, diplomatic avenging angel

Will Miami pay the price for Bush's stalled Latin American agenda?

U.S. business leaders to WTO:  Get Serious

May 2003

Cover Story
Jacques Chirac: Agricultural Reformer?

Yankee Trader
The political implications of SARS for Hong Kong and China

How the Bush-Chirac rivalry complicates the WTO's Doha negotiations

In the Oval Office, thinking of coat hangers from China

US to Vietman:  Don't clothe us too well

The US steel lobby: The WTO is "biased" against America

April 2003

Cover Story
Korea: Has the End Game Begun?

Yankee Trader
In Beantown, a valuable lesson for global seafood markets

Kimchi Diplomacy

Bush Diplomacy: First, fry the French

Will Iraq poison the WTO' Doha Round?

The "anti-free enterprise" United Nations

The agitated Daniel DiMicco

Will U.S. furniture makers declare war on China?

March 2003

Cover Story
Does U.S. Trade Policy Complicate the War on Terrorism?

Yankee Trader
What does the Stand Up For Steel lobby really stand for?

Shrimpers, get out your duct tape

U.S. Senators

vs. the WTO

Byrd and the silence of the U.S. business lobby 

Textile Quotas:  Where's the real scandal?


Shrimp warriors gear up

February 2003

Cover Story
Trade History as Déjà Vu

Yankee Trader
A history lesson:  Why presidents should stay close to their U.S. trade representatives


Vietnam's unmentionable fish

U.S. catfish farmers celebrate - but for how long?

Domestic steel lobbyists want war - with Turkey

Bush's State of the Union message:  A missed opportunity

January 2003

Cover Story
Why does the U.S. keep losing WTO cases?

Yankee Trader
ACTPN:  Selling the Bush trade agenda


Who are the best international trade lawyers in the world?

The U.S.-Chile deal:  good news, mostly.

Zoellick to the WTO:  let losers wriggle out of their WTO obligations.

Zoellick on tariffs:  Lord, make me a virgin, later.

Tensions rise in Hong Kong